Welcome to the Kumho Road Venture MT-71 Studio Overview
We are looking at the new Kumho Road Venture MT-71, which is a seriously chunky piece of rubber.
Checking out the features of the MT-71 in our studio & what Kumho is saying about this new 'low road noise' mud terrain tyre. Find out more in the vid.
The Kumho MT-71 tyres will be put onto our long term 200 Series Landcruiser for a good 10.000km review.
Have a look at the video below.
Kumho MT-71 superseding the Kumho KL-71
- Today in the warehouse, we've got the new Kumho Road Venture MT-71. Hey folks at home. It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of chunky rubber. And this is some of the chunkiest rubber that I've seen in a while. It's the new mud terrain tyre from Kumho. It's the Kumho Road Venture MT-71. And now this is a brand new tread pattern from them, it's supersedes I think it's the old KL-71, so that one's gonna be disappearing. This one's gonna the new one and you could certainly say that it's a lot more aggressive than the old KL. So even though they're saying it's newer and more aggressive, they're actually saying it's still low road noise for a mud terrain tyre so, interesting to see how low road noise this is. Once I actually show you the tread pattern, you'll understand what I mean by that. Why the little fingers going up and down. And they're also saying there's gonna have extra durability and cut and chip resistance. And so in terms of sizing, it's actually generally on your lighter sizes.
Kumho MT-71 tyre sizes available
So in Australia at the moment we have between 31 inch and 35 inch tyres, but it is only just coming out at the market at this stage so that may increase as they bring more ties into the country. So let's take a look at the tread pattern. Come over here, come over here, come on, come on. That's it. That's it. So looking at the sidewall to start off with, it's interesting because they've actually got a super aggressive sidewall. It's actually the same on both sides, but they've sort of got these little crown shaped things going in looping patent and they actually stick off the sidewall by maybe five mil or something like that. Maybe even six mil if I'm being accurate. And so that's really gonna help you dig out of those ditches. And it's probably some of the most aggressive sidewalls that I've seen in a while.
Kumho MT-71 Sidewalls
Quick update, since filming this video, we found out that Kumho's actually offering this tyre in three ply in most of the sizes, however, some of the sizes are actually only two ply sidewall. And so that's all of the 15 inch size tyre, so that's the 31, 33, 35 inch tyres in the 15 inch, and also the 255/75R17 is also only two ply sidewall. The rest are three ply. And apparently they're actually releasing more sizes once this whole coronavirus thing comes down. So look out for them anyway, back to the office. I think this has been designed for the Australian market, because look at these boomerangs. It's basically got this set of alternating boomerangs one, two, and then repeated again and again and again and I think actually now that I think about it, that's actually the Kumho logo isn't it? I'll have to confirm that one folks later on, but look at the massive void in this tyre. This is approximately 33 inch tyre, but I can almost fit two fingers in that one. And then we've got alternating blocks here as well. And you can see alternating skull of patterns here as well. So this is super aggressive. If you don't rotate this tyre, you're gonna know about it, so make sure you rotate this tyre. Only five or 10,000 Ks at the most. You can also see here they've got these ejectors which are actually gonna help really get the mud and crap out of the tyre pattern.
Kumho MT-71 tyre long term test
So we're actually sticking this onto our longterm test rig, which is the 200 series big black land cruiser. And it'll be interesting to see how they go in terms of road noise but also on the road for the daily commute and also off the road as well. So tune in at about 10,000 K's and don't forget to subscribe so that we actually, you actually hear about notifications when we put up new videos, that'd be great. And also maybe let me know in the comments, what you think about these tyres and yeah, tune in 10,000Ks and we'll tell you all about how they've been.
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Our long term reviews are conducted by everyday people, using the tyres as they would every day, just with a more critical eye for the individual tyres performance. The long term tests are offered for informational purposes only, and you should always draw your own conclusions for what are the best tyres for you from broad research - read the consumer reviews, read our long term reviews, and check with your tyre shop when actually purchasing the new tyres.
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