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A bit about us.

Tyre Review was created by a bunch of car nuts who want to know what you think about your tyres. And the best bit? You'll get a chance to win some new tyres, just by reviewing yours!

We're entirely independent, and focused on making this the best place to review tyres. We don't want to know about the shop you bought them from, the price you got them for, or how bad/awesome the mullet was on the guy who fitted them. What we really want to know is what you think of the tyres themselves.

You can help, by reviewing as many tyres as you can, but make sure they're all tyres that you've used before. Remember, the more quality reviews you leave, the more likely you are to win.

Tyre Review is

  • Tick Totally independent
  • Tick Completely tyre focused
  • Tick Consumer based, editorial backed
  • Tick Committed to finding you the right tyres

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