Looking to spend more time off-road then on? If muddy conditions and rocky terrain sound appealing to you then you’re going to want to find the best 4WD MT tyres that you can!

You’re gonna need durable tyres with an aggressive and bulkier tread. And yeah, perhaps that comes at a cost to noise but as you’ll soon see when you read these reviews - not all MTs are as noisy as one another.

With plenty to consider, you’ll be wanting to sink your teeth into this great list we’ve made of the top rated 4WD MT tyres as rated by our independent reviewers! Find the best MT tyre for your 4WD and driving needs right here on Tyre Review.

Note, a tyre must have 10 or more reviews on Tyre Review to appear within our Best Mud Terrain Tyres list.

Looking for a specific attribute which best mud tyre performs in? Check out these subcategories:

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